miercuri, 15 mai 2024




luni, 1 aprilie 2024



                          Pentru a înțelege ironia este necesar să studiem metafora.

duminică, 25 februarie 2024

I wanted to cure


As a child, I wanted to cure cherries when they were red in fruit;

I thought they were hurt.

I thought they had lost their health because  the fallen flowers;

that's why I vowed to be a doctor: to make the cherry, blooms againe.

luni, 1 ianuarie 2024

Once upon a time.

 “Once upon a time” is the expression that precedes many fantastic stories, fairy tales and legends that cheered or amazed our childhood. But it also contains respect for the past and nostalgia for the time that no longer exists, as well as precious stimulus for our imagination.

The key formula that marker not only another time, but also another space.                                    Therefore, place your soul outside of time and captures the essence of  life beyond the random nature of our existence.

In a word, don’t give up on “Once upon a time “.

miercuri, 13 decembrie 2023

miercuri, 6 decembrie 2023

How many trains have we missed?


There are almost always many, too many! Does it make sense to count them?

We have missed many trains , it's true, and admitting it is the greatest of blessings . It means becoming aware of wasted opportunities and if there is one thing I have learned during my existence it is that it is never too late to stop wasting something. There's no point in continuing to complain about this or that, or about the past that wasn't the way we wanted, about the people we let go and the fact that we could have done more. Because at that precise moment, with that state of consciousness, it couldn't have gone any other way. It happened that our train passed several times, but we simply didn't take it.

If we can make this gesture of honesty towards ourselves then it makes sense to move forward and you can be sure that new trains will cross our path. Or we can continue to point the finger at ourselves and blame karma or bad luck for eternity.

The choice as always is ours, no god is responsible .

We can analyze the whys , the causes that led us to miss those trains, but they will probably always be the same: laziness, vanity, pride, false beliefs or we simply didn't have eyes to see. Anyway, we're always good at telling it to each other; so strict with others, so indulgent with ourselves.

The real question however, the one that matters, is the following: how long does an opportunity last ? Are we really sure that other trains will not pass in the same direction? Even though we missed many trains, that doesn't mean it's too late to catch more.

It may seem obvious to say it, but the game is always played in the present . All that matters is here, now , it is in the present that the opportunities of the future are created. It doesn't matter what happened, much less what will happen, what matters is what we want now, the direction we want to offer our existence in this precise moment. Yes, right now that you are reading this. Stop and ask yourself: Am I where I would like to be? Am I stopped? Where am I going? Where are my chains?

Nobody says it but in our society there is an urgent need to return to forgiving ourselves , for what we have failed to be, for not having lived up to other people's expectations and for what we will never be. It's time to be frank with yourself, to act free from guilt , from social pressure, because let's know , most opportunities are generated by our aspirations, by our desire .

We still have time to book the ticket for the next race , all it takes is a gesture of truth with ourselves, to understand what we really want, to make peace with our internal enemies, to offer another chance to those close to us, to ourselves, to dreams ready to germinate and take root. Our past stories are central to our present, but they are not our present. We must be authentic and cleansed of all the waste of the past to recognize the next opportunities, whatever they are: work, emotional, spiritual, because that will be the possibility we have been waiting for.

We missed many trains, it's true . Sometimes because we have chosen others, or because we have stayed too long that we no longer go up there. There are those who would have liked to take that train, but due to a few stumbles too many they didn't arrive in time. And there are those who preferred to sleep rather than wake up early. It matters little. What happened, happened, and sometimes it's for the best.

What matters is not the train we missed, but what is left and what we decide to do with what we have in our hands now. Because we are also this, the sum of the trains we have missed . So now choose how to shape your existence, what direction to offer yourself and with whom. Deep down we all know it: for every train that passes, there are always others ready to arrive. 

 I said, it's never too late to catch the next train!

P.S. Everyone is waiting for the fateful train, which, if it arrives, is always delayed by a few hours.

But have you ever thought about the plane?

P.S. 2 Sometimes it is believed to have lost the train, when the desire to get on the train is lost.

vineri, 24 noiembrie 2023


Nu toate gogoșile conțin gaură și nu toate găurile au în jurul lor gogoși, astfel încât fiecare greșeală este relativă și fiecare perfecțiune este subiectivă.