duminică, 21 decembrie 2014

Begin to write your own tale.

Good morning my adult children. I do hope that you had a restful sleep. Today is Sunday and it is a day of rest, even for me so this will be my only post today .

Today as you go throughout you days I ask that you each notice what it is that you focus on. Do you focus on everyone else's life or your own?

Have you ever just stopped for a second and realized that you are focused on everyone else and his or her story rather than your own?

As a society, we tend to be satisfied with the stories of success of others while focusing on what we feel is negative about our own life. It is no wonder that most of us cannot seem to motivate ourselves and we forget to write our own stories of success and happiness.

Will tomorrow I ask that you stop reading others stories and begin to write your own tale and then work with all that you are to bring it to life. Each of us have everything we need to become what we are each capable of becoming.

Unbelievable change happens when we decide to take control and not to focus on the lives of others. Consume less of others and create more of you in your life. Quit letting others do your thinking and quit living based on what others think you should have based on what they have. Do you own thinking, talking and deciding for you. Tomorrow begin to respect your own ideas and instincts to write your own story for the Universe.

Want it to grow beyond belief then you have to clear the path, reduce the delays and the burdens in life that weigh you down and pick up the things the enlighten you and give your life anew. Keep you wishes and goals close to your heart and dedicate a moment each day to reflect upon them and share them with those that you love and that love you.

There is really nothing in this life that is not possible unless we allow it to become impossible.

written by Santa Claus :)

Thanks Sylar 113  http://vk.com/sylar_113  for work art.

vineri, 19 decembrie 2014

Come back to you !

If you ever think, you have no influence you could not be farther from the truth. Each of us have a greater influence than we can really ever know and because of that fact we must each make sure that our influence is a positive one and for the good of all.

Each thing we think, each thing we say or each thing we do and even the actions we choose not to take, all of it goes out into our worlds and into those to whom we each are connected. All of these take a life of their own.Each thing we sit in motion can ripple through our lives for a very long time and can become larger than anything we could ever imagine.

Every action or every conscious decision to take no action in life is amplified by the energy that we each give it. Because of this, all that we think, do or choose not to do must be done for the good and for what is right in the beginning.

The negative things that we do in life and the consequences we create cannot be escaped so avoid them in the beginning of each thought and deed. When we do we each benefit as do those to whom we are each connected. We all benefit from the value, goodness and honor that we give so let us each commit ourselves to giving what is good, often.

Give others around you kindness and watch that kindness grow larger and larger over time. Watch it come back to you. Give love and I promise that there will be more love in your life and in your world as each day and each night passes.

The way that we live in each moment goes far beyond the moment and far beyond each of us. Let us each live in a positive way each day. Let us live as if it all matters for it all matters more than any of us can ever imagine.

written by Santa Claus :)

 Karim Fakhoury  www.facebook.com/Karim.Fakhour  for  work art.

marți, 16 decembrie 2014

Sala de gimnastica ...

Acceptarea ,intelegerea si constientizarea sunt exercitiile principale pentru a mentine in forma sufletul.

                                                Scris de Corina  Abdulahm-Negura 

sâmbătă, 13 decembrie 2014

Îndemn !

Pentru ziua de azi , maine si inca..
Fa un plan , crede in el ,crede in tine insuti  si nu privi inapoi.
Accepta umanitatea, cere-i ajutor si accepta ajutorul oferit de altii.


Accepta ceea ce nu poti schimba si schimba ceea ce poti  schimba.
Traieste cu  dragoste fiecare moment si  construeste-ti un viitor mai bun.
Deschide-ti inima, sufletul si exploreaza.
Nu te gandi  sa renunti.. respira adanc si ganteste-te bine.

Gandeste-te  la motivul  pentru care  ai  rezistat  pana acum.
Gandeste-te mult  inainte de a spune sau a face ceva.
Decide  ce-ti  doresti  si  actioneaza cu toata  puterea.
Nu-ti  pierde timpul cautand  scheme de a fi fericit.
Pune osul la treaba  si fa sa se intample ceva..ceva bun.
Ajunge cu scuzele..pur si simplu decide
Cum o sa fie, cine o sa devii si cum o vei face.
Doar decide .. si din punctul asta  universul iti va iesi in ajutor, iar viata ta va fi  diferita.

               Scris de Corina Abdulahm-Negura

*Multumesc  AquaSixio  http://cyrilrolando.tumblr.com/  pentru work art.

joi, 11 decembrie 2014


With all that is going on in our world today it seems that humanity has lost its vision and ability to see past race, creed, culture and religion to the fact that we are all of one human race. People scream racism yet they are the very ones that perpetuate it!

These very people have lost vision to see who they can become and not what they portray themselves to be as victims of the imaginary. It is to you that I write this night. 

To have vision you must have the ability see people and situations with a clear and honest heart and mind and not only for what they are but also for what they can become and this includes yourself. Without vision you will never have a clear image of a possible future, only the future you make based on your clouded vision and ideals.

You see, when we apply a vision to people, we put kindness and acceptance at the front while all the while encouraging growth within ourselves and as a society.

Vision shapes our lives by giving us a guiding purpose and without it there is no purpose as you currently prove each day with your screaming and protesting and calling destruction of our country, your country. It is our vision that allows us to define who we are and want to be as an individual and as a society.

Vision is a quality of leadership and I see none of it in any of your so-called leaders. I see nothing but hatred, anger, and evil. A people and a leader with a vision call all peoples together; they communicate a shared vision, and inspire to achieve it for the better of all and not a few.

When we as a society, collectively, practice vision we each place trust in our dreams and ideas all the time using insight and knowledge of our experiences. It is only when the collective whole comes together around a clear vision and purpose, those things that seem impossible become so very real.

A people with a true vision accomplish the incredible with love, peace and hope!

Find the Santa that is within each of you and find the vision that unites us all!

written by Santa Claus :)

luni, 8 decembrie 2014

Copii moderni..

va las pe voi sa descoperiti mesajul acestei povestiri..

Chiara, o fetiţă de şase ani, vine acasă de la şcoală, unde a avut prima sa lecţie de educaţie sexuală.
Mama sa, foarte interesata, întreabă:
"Cum a fost?"
"Aproape am murit de ruşine"! spune ea.
"Dar de ce?" întreabă mama .
Chiara explică:
 "Iosif, baietelul blond, a spus că copiii sunt aduşi de barza, Marco a declarat că copiii provin din Paris , fetiţa care locuieşte în apropiere, a declarat că copii pot fi cumparati intr-un orfelinat şi Piero  a spus că pot fi cumpărati , de asemenea, la spitale.
Gian Carlo a spus că a fost născut într-o eprubetă ,iar Massimo spuse ca el a fost născut de o mamă surogat. "
Atunci mama zâmbind intreba:
"Şi ce.. nu-i nici o ruşine în asta"
Chiara  explica:
"..Nu am avut curajul sa spun ca suntem atat de saraci  incat  tu si tata a trebuit sa ma  creati."

                Scris de Corina Abdulahm-Negura

vineri, 5 decembrie 2014

vorbim împreună și ne înțelegem separat :)

Exista anumite lucruri pe care nu le inteleg (despre lume ) si mii de alte lucruri  pe care prefer sa nu le inteleg.
Nu inteleg de ce multi oameni  ai vremurilor noastre  se inchid in ei  insisi  si daca  nu aiureaza  sau  melancoleaza  atunci  monologeaza meditativ la tema razbunarii.
Nu inteleg de ce  mediul inconjurator  a devenit zgomotos, tulburat, poluat ,iar  oamenii ,individualisti, capriciosi, nervosi,superficiali si grabiti. 
Nu inteleg de ce in zilele noastre  lumea nu se mai intereseaza de  esenta, de adevar  ,de valoare,de onoare..
De ce , din nefericire , multa lume  nu  stie exact  pentru ce traieste.

A uitat omul contemporan  scopul principal al existentei lui, s-a legat puternic  de  materie, de bani si a uitat de libertate.
A uitat ca are nevoie  de dragoste, ca viata fara duiosie si fara iubire nu e  decat un mecanism uscat, scartaitor si sfasietor,vorba lui Hugo.
A uitat  ca are nevoie  de comunicare si exteriorizare, asta este ceea ce-l  diferentiaza de restul fiintelor.
A uitat  ca este  complex din punct de vedere psihic si emotional.

A uitat ca omul are nevoie de oameni.. ca prin natura lui , omul este facut pentru dialog,
sa asculte si sa  raspunda,
sa intrebe si sa primeasca raspuns.
Sa se simta in continua comunicare cu ceea ce vede si aude,
intalneste si percepe,
se teme si cauta.
A uitat de toate astea  pentru ca se afla intr-un  stadiu avansat  de decadenta.

De fapt , viata   a devenit anormala, valorile  fundamentale au fost rasturnate, iar  generatiile  de astazi , sunt  intr-o goana permanenta dupa non-cultura.

Avem o generatie  dominata  de frica..
frica de viitor, de saracie, de  incomoditate, de singuratate, de responsabilitate si de iubire.
O generatie grabita .
Grabita sa-si  traiasca viata fara sa  priveasca  lucrurile minunate, lucrurile care au  putere, care-I ajuta sa constate pentru ce traiesc.
Lucruri simple, banale,lucruri de neinteles pentru noi, poate , dar importante.

P.S. Mi-e dor de genialitatea generatiei  care nu stia de "Like"-uri , dar stia sa sara in ajutor.
        Nu  virtual ci "live"!
                                                Scris de Corina  Abdulahm-Negura

*Multumesc Sylar 113  http://vk.com/sylar_113   pentru frumosul desen.

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014


Iluzia este un vierme care sapă mintea şi măguleşte inima.

              Scris de Corina Abdulahm-Negura