joi, 15 ianuarie 2015


Libertatea deschide ușa la posibilitate și ne oferă o șansă de a face această posibilitate o realitate .

                                                                        Scris de Corina  Abdulahm-Negura
                                 *Multumesc  Xetobyte pentru work art.

luni, 5 ianuarie 2015


Pentru un luptator  nu exista  nici o deosebire intre a castiga si a pierde!

Scris de Corina  Abdulahm-Negura

                                                  *Multumesc  AquaSixio pentru work art.

vineri, 2 ianuarie 2015

Happy New Year !

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! 2015 is here and what will it bring?

 It will bring opportunity! Each day of 2015 will be filled with opportunity and limitless possibilities for each of us. Each day will give each of us a chance to make our lives matter; to make our lives count, to make a difference, to learn and to grow, to achieve and to be the people that we are each meant to be!

This chapter of your book of life is blank and awaits you to fill its pages. This New Year does not make us any promises, it has no guarantees other than this, each day will be filled with opportunities and challenges, moments and connections but it is up to each of us to recognize each of them, to see the possibilities, to overcome the challenges and to cherish the moments and the connections. When we do this, our world will be enriched because of it.

None of us has to wish for a Happy New Year at all for each of us has the power to make it so. We each have the power to make 2015 a year of love, fulfillment and accomplishment for all of us. 2015 can and will be a year the will guide is to a multitude of great years.

Wow, it seems that it was just a bit ago that we welcomed 2014 and here we are, 2015. Time is a precious thing and we cannot save it up. We must make the best of each day and of each year and do all the good we can for ourselves and for others.

We have made another full circle around our sun. The days, weeks, months and the seasons have come and gone and now a new year that is full of many more is here to be lived by each of us!

A year from now how will you each remember this day? What changes, decisions and commitments will each of you make, what action will you take and what course will you each follow that will make this year ahead better than all the rest?

Think for a moment how fortunate you are to be here on this New Year’s Day 2015. Think of how far you've come in one year. Think of all your positive possibilities. Look ahead and see yourself becoming the person you truly want to become, accomplishing the things you really want to accomplish. Each of us can surely do it, and today is a great place to start.

May God continue to bless each of you and all of those to whom you are connected to each day of this New Year!

written by Santa  Claus :)

Thanks Sylar  113  http: // 113  for  work art.