marți, 31 iulie 2018

Become Saints Without Religion!

Can one become a saint without belonging to any religion? Apparently not, since the religions themselves have appropriated themselves of holiness and therefore to become saints, certain dogmas must be respected. ..

What then remains to a person who by choice, or by culture, does not profess any religion? Would not it be nice and proper to a saint become a person who in his life has given so much for others, or even gave his own life, without professing any religion in particular or without following  all  countless and drastic dogmas? A civil saint, in short!

I think, it is time to create another generation of saints, and to give the possibility to become saints without religion, people who do NOT need to enter a temple, do not need to worship a god with a name or worse yet, venerate pre-defined images.

A saint without religion, a person with a consciousness that is not only social, but above all cosmic, because he is capable of going beyond exclusively personal interests, and he would know how to act for the good of humanity.
A person united to the Universe who feels the pains of others as his pains, and the joys of others as his joys.
A saint without religion who knows how to sympathize and help the needy and at the same time is able to encourage artists to spread their art, denigrate the exploiters and support the politics of the honest.
A person capable of generous anonymous acts, a person capable to fights for the right to life of children and fights to free medicine from the big industries that are manufacturing more and more drugs, damaging even more than the diseases they can treat. Would treat people without distinction of race, culture, and above all, of religion!

Such human beings, with this majesty of soul, softly impersonal, for me have the right to become saints, that is, to be examples of life, even without religion. Because,holiness is not a luxury and should not be a privilege for the few, let alone an impossible goal for a normal, civilized man, offers love for others and for the whole Universe. 

That's why I say that to be a Saint you have to ACT (and not only do you believe!)
Because true faith is a universal breed that unites (without a breakdown of varieties) all human beings.

If you ask me,where are Saints really?
All around.

                                                                                         written by Corina Abdulahm Negura

                                                                                 Thanks Trocin Vitali for work art