marți, 31 decembrie 2019

Promote your own brand!

Be inspired to believe in yourself and love being you . . .

Let go of competitive energy and re-focus on success for you.
Make yourself a priority. Re-energize and rejuvenate you.
Release negative self-chatter. Be positively contagious. 
Let your personal brand shine..
Believe in you. Celebrate you. 
Choose your best self and follow your passion.

No longer waiting for something to change, for happiness, safety and security to magically appear over the next horizon. It's time you realize that in the real world there aren’t always fairy tale endings, and that any guarantee of “happily ever after” must begin with you…

You learn  take care to get what you like or else you’ll be forced to like what you get. 

See you next year my happy fellows!

sâmbătă, 30 noiembrie 2019

Imperfecți, dar fericiți

                      Prioritatea este de a fi fericit și nicidecum perfect.
                                          Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura

joi, 31 octombrie 2019


               Căutați oameni care știu să zâmbească: sunt purtători de pace.

                                                               Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura

luni, 30 septembrie 2019


Escape is not a philosophy of life, but a way to get back to life. Because when the weight of resignations and defeats becomes unbearable, when normality crushes our most intimate hopes, when the dullness of routine takes away all our intuition, then flight becomes an inner revolution, a solitary and non-violent path that allows you to break the chains to no your be poisoned by this manipulative society, rediscovering what is true and beautiful.

                                                                                                        written by Corina Abdulahm Negura 

duminică, 1 septembrie 2019

Knowing what we need to know

    The difference between knowing and know is in another verb: to experiment. Only through experimentation can we go beyond that  theoretical limit.

                                                               written by Corina Abdulahm Negura

miercuri, 31 iulie 2019

The Power Of Understanding Yourself

Understanding yourself is not a business. But a power. It is the only power we have, the main one, because if we do not make this power our own then we will never be able to do anything. Reason for which infinite human beings live in a state of complete slavery: they do not know what they do, nor how they do it, nor why they do it. Everything simply happens. Without there being a real will. And the reason why everything happens without awareness is the absence of the power to understand oneself, to perceive the mechanisms, the conditionings, the desires that drag us from one side to the other, that make us choose this instead of that, that make us live a whole life without realizing that we are living it.

If we can't touch the abiss of this power, then there can be no evolution. And it is a very serious fact. I believe that now as a human species we are getting closer to the fateful crossroads: to evolve or destroy ourselves. And there will be no other calls. Because I find it obvious how our existence navigates on the lack of awareness of our responsibilities. And without awareness it is not even worth defining it existence.

Without power the power to understand ourselves, we do not exist, but everything happens through us. To put it another way, I can propose the example of the game of billiards. We are like numbered and colored marbles that are whisked here and there, without understanding why, until we fall into a black hole and have understood nothing of what happened. Without understanding oneself, without understanding where we are and what is happening, all we can do is play a passive part waiting for the "game over".

I believe that the first fundamental step towards this "power" is to realize the inner processes (emotional-mental-instinctive) that lead us to certain choices and directions. In fact, by carefully observing ourselves and, above all, observing ourselves with honesty, we can realize many of our nuances of which we have never been aware: of things we are doing in a completely unconscious manner or, indeed, against our own will. And the tragicomic thing is that often, when we realize it, we try to deny ourselves these nuances, looking for excuses and justifications to avoid observing ourselves as we are!

Understanding oneself is a different process than knowing oneself, as it is the same as observing one's inner dynamics but above all, it is a process that leads you to UNDERSTAND what is happening and why. Otherwise there can be no understanding. It is useless to try to understand and help others if in the first place we fail to understand ourselves. It's pure madness.

Only once we become aware of the functioning of our inner processes, or when we are in the power to "understand ourselves", then and only then does our power expand considerably and further. We will therefore be able to recognize the dynamics in place, understand where they are taking us, and we will then begin to modify the path, the outcome and the goals. This is the power I am talking about. And it is the power that all "spiritual seekers", and others, are looking for. That of changing the reality that surrounds us.

But any power cannot be defined as such if easily obtainable. Understanding yourself is a long, difficult path, full of pitfalls and extremely challenging, because you are deprived of any alibi. It will no longer be enough to affirm and exclaim "What do you want to do with it, I am like that!" Or "Things went like this". In other words, those who want this power cannot, at the same time, avoid taking on their responsibilities.

Moreover, it is a physiological passage, it is visible in nature, including the human one, where the passage from the condition of children, therefore without responsibility, who spend their lives blaming others ("it was you!"), The conditions unfavorable and so on, to the condition of adults, who can decide what to be, how to be; building the world in which they live.

And instead: it happens that adults prefer to remain "children", for convenience, giving up the challenging path of growth and above all, renouncing forever the power to understand themselves. They prefer not to understand, remain children and continue to judge and blame others, of what they do, of how they do it and of why they do it. Isn't that what happens every day? People who only try to control others when, in fact, they don't even know how to control themselves.

But paradoxically, the idea of ​​having power over other people is not feasible. Everyone can have at his disposal a power of equal value that would cancel the imposed power. Because there is one thing that must be kept in mind: power cannot be imposed, but can only be surrendered.

                                written by Corina Abdulahm Negura
Trocin Vitali for  work art

duminică, 30 iunie 2019

Definiție 4

                               Trecutul este copilăria prezentului.

                                                             Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura

Mulțumesc Trocin Vitali pentru work art


vineri, 31 mai 2019

Concepție 7

                                    Lucrurile mari fac viața mai bună, lucrurile mici o perfecționează.

                                                                         Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura

marți, 30 aprilie 2019

Wolf or Little Red Riding Hood

You can be the Wolf or Little Red Riding Hood, no matter who you are of the two. If you are not in the right forest there will never be your fairy tale ... So, choose carefully. Every choice depends, exclusively, on you and nobody else.

                                          written by Santa Claus

duminică, 31 martie 2019

Definiție 3

                    Laș, ~ă - cei care caută mereu vinovați pentru a se justifica.
                                                         Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura

joi, 14 februarie 2019

Vânt și ploaie

           Nu există o poveste de dragoste mai frumoasă decât cea dintre vânt și ploaie.

                                                                                       Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura

joi, 31 ianuarie 2019

Definiție 2

      Fulgii de zăpadă sunt picături de ploaie îmbrăcate în cele mai haute couture ținute.

                                                                           Scris de Corina Abdulahm Negura