luni, 30 septembrie 2019


Escape is not a philosophy of life, but a way to get back to life. Because when the weight of resignations and defeats becomes unbearable, when normality crushes our most intimate hopes, when the dullness of routine takes away all our intuition, then flight becomes an inner revolution, a solitary and non-violent path that allows you to break the chains to no your be poisoned by this manipulative society, rediscovering what is true and beautiful.

                                                                                                        written by Corina Abdulahm Negura 

duminică, 1 septembrie 2019

Knowing what we need to know

    The difference between knowing and know is in another verb: to experiment. Only through experimentation can we go beyond that  theoretical limit.

                                                               written by Corina Abdulahm Negura