luni, 17 februarie 2020

Breathe Before Talking.

Breathe before speaking, because it is a magical, intimate act. Breath, represents the essence of life, of struggle, of inner strength.

I know - we find ourselves catapulted into a society full of noises and sounds, confused, disorderly and disoriented, where the use of words has become immoderate in truth, everyone has something to say, but nobody listens anymore. We prefer to be protagonists in the first person. We are inclined to speak instinctively, to open our mouths without having full awareness of what we are really saying. And above all, no one breathes before speaking.

We are a civilization that makes disproportionate use of chatter, a multitude of ready-to-use words that are mostly useless and insignificant. We are full of slogans, images,  because reflection, like silence, frightens us. We are afraid to breathe, because it would mean reflecting and reflecting would mean striving, expressing our own thoughts, reasoning with our own minds about what we have been told. But gentlemen, this is too much for today's man. A man of all instinct and no reason.

Therefore, the man of today it does not reflect, but does react instinctively by vomiting words. Do not you believe it? Take a ride on social media, and see how many people vomit posts without breathing.

This "vomiting" almost always translates into hasty judgments, designed to discredit the thinking or behavior of others. Consequently, not understanding each other can only be a logical consequence. These are the paradoxes of a society defined as a society of mass communication.

Here is a small advice : breathe before speaking. To return to the human being and to the pleasure of slowness, of words, of communication and of respect for those we face. Return to being masters of your thoughts, your emotions, your choices, your behavior.

Remember to breathe!

                                                                                written by Corina Abdulahm Negura
                                                               Thanks Trocin Vitali  for work art.