miercuri, 15 mai 2024




luni, 1 aprilie 2024



                          Pentru a înțelege ironia este necesar să studiem metafora.

duminică, 25 februarie 2024

I wanted to cure


As a child, I wanted to cure cherries when they were red in fruit;

I thought they were hurt.

I thought they had lost their health because  the fallen flowers;

that's why I vowed to be a doctor: to make the cherry, blooms againe.

luni, 1 ianuarie 2024

Once upon a time.

 “Once upon a time” is the expression that precedes many fantastic stories, fairy tales and legends that cheered or amazed our childhood. But it also contains respect for the past and nostalgia for the time that no longer exists, as well as precious stimulus for our imagination.

The key formula that marker not only another time, but also another space.                                    Therefore, place your soul outside of time and captures the essence of  life beyond the random nature of our existence.

In a word, don’t give up on “Once upon a time “.