If you ever think, you have no influence you could not be farther from the truth. Each of us have a greater influence than we can really ever know and because of that fact we must each make sure that our influence is a positive one and for the good of all.
Each thing we think, each thing we say or each thing we do and even the actions we choose not to take, all of it goes out into our worlds and into those to whom we each are connected. All of these take a life of their own.Each thing we sit in motion can ripple through our lives for a very long time and can become larger than anything we could ever imagine.
Every action or every conscious decision to take no action in life is amplified by the energy that we each give it. Because of this, all that we think, do or choose not to do must be done for the good and for what is right in the beginning.
The negative things that we do in life and the consequences we create cannot be escaped so avoid them in the beginning of each thought and deed. When we do we each benefit as do those to whom we are each connected. We all benefit from the value, goodness and honor that we give so let us each commit ourselves to giving what is good, often.
Give others around you kindness and watch that kindness grow larger and larger over time. Watch it come back to you. Give love and I promise that there will be more love in your life and in your world as each day and each night passes.
The way that we live in each moment goes far beyond the moment and far beyond each of us. Let us each live in a positive way each day. Let us live as if it all matters for it all matters more than any of us can ever imagine.
written by Santa Claus :)
Thanks Karim Fakhoury www.facebook.com/Karim.Fakhour for work art.