marți, 9 mai 2017

The Most Beautiful Day of My (and Your) Life

Have you ever wondered what was the most beautiful day of your life? What did you answer?
Probably that where your son, or your marriage, was born, of meeting with your twin soul or the day you graduated.

In the past, someone asked me this question, but I never knew how to make a quick, determined and, above all, realistic answer, because I always felt that the most memorable moment of my existence was still to come.

The most beautiful day of my life
In my heart I felt that the most beautiful day of my life would be the one in which my existence would take a new and unexpected direction; I could not imagine what would have happened exactly but I was sure that it would be the principle of a series of changes that would have netted my whole life in a positive way.

That day came a few years ago, and it was the exact time that I finally realized that the responsibility of my existence is only in my hands and that no one else besides me can get to the helm of my boat and decide the direction towards which direct it.

On that day I realized that there are no excuses to fall on, nor people to blame for what happens to me; I understand that my parents, my elementary school teacher, my society, my grandfather, my dog ​​... can not in any way influence the direction of my life and that the state in which I am today - and the one I will be Tomorrow - is the result of my decisions and choices I have made in the past. If anyone has decided for me it is because I have given it to him: I have given others to tell me what I should or should not do, how to behave, what to believe and how to think.

Since that day everything has changed for me: when you stop being considered a victim of circumstances and take full control of your existence, you can no longer be the same person before.

I realize that it is very convenient to delegate your life to others because you can always blame someone for the condition you are in, and then why - in this way - you avoid acting, risking and changing.

But if you want to be a free person and improve on a personal level, the first step is to live with the idea that you are only responsible for what you do, what you think and how you are.

You need to understand that your parents and the way they raised you, the country where you grew up, your friends, school, difficult childhood or painful experiences are part of your past but can not , Today, influence your choices and your way of being.
The world is full of people who have been born and raised in unfavorable conditions but who have never been hidden behind their shortcomings or have used apologies to do nothing; These people persisted with passion and confidence to realize their dreams and today they live a happy and fulfilling existence.

If you do not take the reins of your life in hand, the others will do it for you; In a short time you will come to live an existence that does not belong to you and every day you will try to find someone to blame for the situation you are in.

If you want to be really happy choose to listen to your inner voice, rather than the chaotic feelings of others and to realize your dreams, not what others have dreamed for you.

Remember that life is a gift and this gift is for you. Others may decide to walk by your side, but no one can walk the way in your place.

So, did you understand what might be the most beautiful day of your life?

There is a beautiful poem by William Ernest Henley titled "Invictus" ending with this verse: "No matter how narrow the door is, how full of punishment lives. I am the master of my destiny: I am the captain of my soul. "

The most beautiful day of your life will be exactly where you will understand that you are the master of your destiny and the captain of your soul. From that day you can do wonderful things.

                                                                                      written by Corina Abdulahm Negura