miercuri, 12 iulie 2017

The Perfectionism Syndrome

Perfectionism is a very peculiar syndrome, an invisible syndrome that often leads many people to "not act" just for the fear of not being perfect. A syndrome that is intruded by society, or inherited by parental ways, or even of school education. But perfectionism is simply an unreachable, unreachable model, for perfect being is not part of human nature: if we were perfect we would not have any evolutionary cycle, both at the spiritual and the psychic levels. The problem arises when we identify with the perfectionist model and begin to control our actions or thoughts. Any physical and emotional expression we have to be in the model, so if we have a simple and reasonably blunted out of the canons of the model, we feel bad, we feel humped and above all we feel inadequate.

We live a real tragedy of inadequacy, we never have enough money, we never feel pretty beautiful, we are never quite toned, we always feel defective, far from the perfectionism model that is mentally imposed on us in this Western society.
The desire to improve, to do good, is certainly positive, but if led to exasperation, it becomes perfectionism. Likewise, we can not stop from acting simply because we do not know how a thing has to be done perfectly, because there is no perfect thing; Situations change, so we have to accept this rule of the planet earth, that is to try, correct, insist, correct again, review the plan, expand the plan, and so on, is part of the rules of the game. It is useless to seek perfection in things, in ourselves and in others: perfection is a tough battle that can not be won. We must therefore avoid small and simple mistakes becoming our emotional catastrophes and demolishing our self-esteem, moving away from daily joy and personal satisfaction.

We must realize our infinite capacity and potential that we can safely express without following a model of perfectionism. We can enter a lot of virtuous values ​​in this society, we can do good even if we are not perfect, and by fading to perfection, we improve our own lives and those of all those who benefit from our actions. If we were able to embrace our imperfections, we realized that there is no need for a perfect model, but it just needs to be. Being ourselves, in our uniqueness and infinite beauty, we will be perfect.

Remember!                                                                                                                                                                       "Perfect people . ..do not exist." Aristotle

                          written by Corina Abdulahm Negura