joi, 2 ianuarie 2020

Or Change , Or Repeat It All !

"Either change, or everything repeats itself". A quote taken from one of the wonderful books by Tiziano Terzani and which contains within it a great teaching of life imbued with spirituality and desire for change. Because let's be clear: people usually complain about an adverse fate, sudden misfortunes, people accustomed to blame something or someone, feel victimized, convinced that sooner or later something or someone will come to save them. But the truth is the same .. or you change, or everything repeats. Because if one's life does not have as its direction the desire to feel good about oneself, to feel satisfied, full, serene, then not to change means to dig oneself in the pit.

Everything repeats itself, because nothing has changed. If you continue to suffer from the same ailment, if you continue to have the same problem with that person, if you continue to run into the same problems at work, if life starts to be close to you, if anxiety oppresses you, if you continue to procrastinate, if you continue you are not satisfied with something that in the end is always the same thing, then you have no choice but to change. Otherwise, not changing is the same as cutting the weed and thorn bushes from your inner garden, leaving the roots buried in your soul, free to expand and strengthen, able to sprout and grow with even more pointed and sharp spines. This is the situation today of many, too many people, who continue to hurt themselves on their own. ..

Do you want to reach the top of the mountain? Then you must be ready to change course several times, because every goal can be achieved by following different paths. It must be understood that if a path is hostile, tortuous and dangerous, there is no need to insist and to challenge it. Changing the way could be the solution not only wiser, but also the bravest one. Because most of the time it takes much more courage to change rather than not to change. Sometimes you don't change for convenience, because others also follow that path, because you are used to following a certain routine, out of laziness or negligence.

There is an ancestral aspect that hovers around the phase of change. It is fear. Yes, it is she who prevents us from looking in depth and freeing ourselves from the continuous loop in which "everything repeats itself". The fear of touching something of our depths, of questioning ourselves, of recognizing within us the origin of what we live, which we project to the outside. Too many people live in their advantageous comfort zone, in their deep sleep, because it is convenient to believe that what happens comes from outside, from an external cause, that does not really depend on us, that we do not create it ourselves. Too easy not to take responsibility for your choices, your actions, your thoughts. 

"Taking a new step, saying a new word, is what people fear most."
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Changing requires the great effort to look inside ourselves, to confront ourselves with the felt, with the emotions, to recognize them, to give them a name and a cause. Because the images of our life, which we project to the outside in the form of people, situations, randomness and events are nothing but the reflection of the situation we have within us. And that creates our reality. It therefore makes no sense to reject  what happens to us, because everything originates in the depths of our psyche. It is the relationship with our conscience that we are called to change. Escaping this is an illusion: sooner or later we must always come to terms with it. Either it changes or everything repeats itself.

Recognize that there is a form of attachment, a comfort, a belief that we are holding tight, a fidelity that we can let go of, an inner work that we must do. This means change, which often amounts to "letting go", to make room for something new. 

But the truth is that fear dissolves in action. We should all be a little less afraid and take much more action. Pulling out that courage that makes you gain health, in personal satisfaction, in taste for the new, to make room, to live in the joy of novelty. In the fluidity of change.

And then you start with the little "everyday" things that represent a change both in terms of action and communication with your unconscious.

Start reading that book that has been dusting your bedside table for months. Call that person you set out to hear. Have the courage to talk to your boss. Take that journey you've always dreamed of doing. Say "I love you" to the person next to you. Listen to your loved ones. Take a walk in nature. But above all, do something for yourself, because it makes you feel good. Start somewhere, from something small or big, it doesn't matter, what matters is making a change. Because ... or you change, or everything repeats the same.

                                                                                                                      written by Corina Abdulahm Negura