miercuri, 30 iunie 2021

The true crisis is the loss of human values


We live in a time of economic crisis, it's true, we live in a time of pandemic, it's true, but there is one aspect that scares me more than anything and it's not so much about the economic situation, not even about health, if I have to say everything but the loss of human values: this is the real crisis, the real problem. I find it very worrying to know that the new generations will grow more and more with the idea that the value and importance of a person can depend on available economic resources, the position held within the company or the ability to conform to the patterns and trends of increasingly "high".

I wonder what men and women will be if it will be enough to sell to the biggest bidder or to be convinced that they can buy anything: love, trust, a job, a seat in parliament. An army of insecure people, with hearts full of arrogance and bravery, tiny beings, with the answer always ready to fill a state of inner emptiness and chronic discontent; forced to build a facade of happiness in a desperate attempt to hide a deep loneliness, in a world where someone is more and more connected, more and more distant.

Gentlemen, here is the need - indeed the urgency! - to transmit to the new generations the tangible representation of true wealth: that of the soul in times of crisis! We need to clarify that good manners, education, respect, humility and kindness make you Lord; that the important things in life cannot be bought, but must be conquered and above all deserved; that with money you buy what you need and not what really matters; because affection, esteem, respect, credibility are not for sale in a shop window, but you build them day by day, action by action. This means being in control of your own destiny.

Just as it would be good if someone started teaching the essentials of things, in this society in crisis where we have everything but the essentials. Rediscover that the beautiful things in life are the simple, authentic and deep ones, such as contact with peers, contact with Mother Earth and her children, passions, vocations ... that easy ways and shortcuts are often the wrong ways and only that which is built with effort and commitment rewards you and makes you proud and free; because no one gives you anything without waiting for something in return and compromises, you know, make you slaves.

And then there is dignity, a sacred value to be proud of and cherish, because if there are two things you should never sell in your life, they are called soul and dignity. Let us give direction to these new generations navigating in the darkest oblivion, so as not to make the same mistake, that of becoming subjugated and alienated, totally dependent on this economic imperialism, where our generation sank without being able to reappear. After all, if the new generations suffer from this, I gave them inspiration and reflection.

So, let's roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, immerse them in the bowels of the earth and life, the real, lived, to learn that esteem and admiration are deserved for what you are and not for what society wants you to be. you are; that hypocrisy, falsehood and opportunism lead to a miserable life and the most depressing loneliness; that superficiality is synonymous with mediocrity. Finally, and I say this with my heart in my hand, it would be appropriate to send to these new generations the message that in life the Being matters and not the appearance, because the masks fall sooner or later and what remains, very often, is nothing.